Regional Centers – RCPIPP-PATLIB – ROMANIA

The Regional Centres coordinator on behalf of OSIM
Tel.: +40 213.060.800, int. 272
Mobile: +40 723.260.320
Fax: +40 213.123.819
Regional Centers are territorial entities that aim to promote culture and protection of industrial property in the geographical area of coverage.
The Regional Centers operate based on collaboration conventions concluded between OSIM and the host entity of each of the Regional Centers.
The persons working within the Regional Centers are not employees of OSIM, they being employees or collaborators of the host entities.
In accordance with ORDINANCE no. 66 of 17 August 2000, as republished, on the organization and exercise of the profession of industrial property attorney, published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 1019 of 21 December 2006, the director and the staff of the Regional Center for the Promotion of Industrial Property cannot have the quality of industrial property attorney.